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  • The SAOU membership fee is R119,86 per month and SAOU student membership is free.
  • A waiting period of three months will be applicable, after which a new member will be entitled to assistance in employer / employee dispute, e.g. disciplinary hearings and / or labour disputes. The SAOU reserves the right to discretionary exceptions to this rule. However, membership fees should have been recovered for three consecutive months in order to be considered a member in good standing with the Union.
  • New staff are appointed at schools every year, therefore it is important to note that all departmental staff must belong to a trade union.
  • Members are personally responsible for cancelling their membership with a previous/other union. The SAOU is not permitted to cancel membership on behalf of a member.
  • The SAOU is not informed by employers if there is a change in the status of employment or employer. Members are therefore personally responsible for notifying the SAOU of changes regarding appointments (governing body / departmental), change of schools, contact details, etc.
  • To avoid unnecessary deductions, it is very important to notify the SAOU without delay if there is a change in post, school or province.
  • Members must inform the SAOU in writing when they resign.
  • Protection of personal information: The SAOU is subject to the POPI Act and undertakes to protect personal information and to only use such information for purposes associated with membership of the Union. The applicant hereby consents to the SAOU recording, storing and processing the information provided in this application and hereby authorises the SAOU to make the necessary administrative arrangements to implement membership. 
  • Any member who wishes to resign shall furnish three months' notice in writing.  Such resignation must be furnished to the Chief Executive Officer or the applicable Provincial Secretary.   



  • If an employee of the State does not join a trade union, the DBE is obliged to programmatically deduct an agency fee (PSCBC) and it is distributed among all trade unions.
  • After new members have submitted an application form, it is extremely important to check the salary slip in order to ensure that the DBE has implemented Union membership and that no agency fee (PSCBC) reflects on the salary slip.
  • If a PSCBC (agency fee) still appears on the salary slip, you are requested to inquire urgently by contacting the SAOU Service Center on 012 023 1333 in order to resubmit the  request for the deduction order to the Department.
  • If a temporary contract expires, with service acceptance, a new application for SAOU membership must be submitted anew.



  • The SAOU membership fees of governing body staff are deducted from the member's bank account by way of a debit order. If the member resigns, the SAOU must be notified in writing in order to cancel the debit order.
  • If governing body staff accepts a departmental post, the SAOU will cancel the debit order as soon as a new departmental application form has been received.
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