The SAOU are fully aware of the challenges that Teachers experience at the beginning of their career and strives to provide support during the transition years from Student to Teacher.

The Focus Group assists Novice teachers with tools to empower them in their strife to be Excellent Teachers.

Visit the MSM Online (access only for SAOU members) chapter hoofstuk 17.1.6 to have a look at our webinars for Focus Groups.

by SAOU 5 March 2025
NN 10/2025: The SAOU occasionally receives enquiries from members on the involvement of the union in labour issues ...
by Regsdienste - Legal Department 4 March 2025
NN 09/2025: Naamskending word gedefinieer as die publikasie van ʼn onwaar stelling oor ʼn persoon wat die potensiaal het om sy/haar reputasie te skaad of wat veroorsaak dat ander persone hom/haar vermy...
by SAOU 3 March 2025
What happened during February 2025 in the SAOU
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Become part of this focus group

NWU Novice Teacher Research Project

Are you a novice educator? Everyone dreams of your first weeks and months in your new profession. But so many novice educators struggle in their new environment. They feel that the University may have prepared them academically, but certainly not emotionally, for the realities they are now confronted with. Their expectations are often not the same as their experience. Furthermore, the good mentor teachers at the school are often also the busiest teachers at the school, so the beginning teachers are put in a few files and are only expected to perform. The pressure on academic and extracurricular areas is great. The reality is suddenly so different from what they believed it would be and they often feel isolated and doubting a career choice that many of them truly saw as a calling.


If this sounds familiar to you, you don’t have to struggle through the first months of teaching alone. Become part of a research project where a university lecturer and experienced teacher will offer online mentoring to beginning teachers. We will journey together through expectations and experiences and equip you to better respond to the challenges you experience in academic, emotional and administrative areas. You are welcome to join us to be encouraged, mentored, share resources and share your experiences. The project has ethical clearance from the relevant University and we may ask you if we may use some of the data anonymously in research articles

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Venita van Wyk 

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