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Indien u gaan deelneem, en nog nie u naam deurgegee het nie, registreer asb. hieronder sodat ons u kan inreken in ons getalle om u te akkommodeer. Trek asb. blou aan om SAOU te ondersteun. Persone wat reeds op 22 Oktober geregistreer het, het in aanmerking gekom vir die SAOU T-hemp en sal dit ontvang by die SAOU se stalletjie.

Diegene wat te ver bly om deel te neem of ander verpligtinge het en nie kan meemaak aan die protesoptog nie, kan hul ondersteuning toon deur steeds blou aan te trek, en foto’s te stuur vir ons sosiale media veldtog.a

Stuur asb. u foto’s met u skool se naam na josievdb@saou.co.za of plaas dit self op sosiale media – gebruik die #BELAPROTEST

We invite all SAOU members and interested parties to join us in the protest march on 5 November, alongside SAOU and 50 other organisations.


If you plan to participate and haven’t yet registered, please do so by registering below. This will allow us to count you in and make necessary arrangements. Wear blue to show your support for SAOU. Those who registered by 22 October will receive an SAOU T-shirt, which can be collected at the SAOU stall.

If you are unable to attend due to distance or other responsibilities, you can still show your support by wearing blue and sending photos for our social media campaign. Please email your photos, along with your school’s name, to josievdb@saou.co.za, or post them on social media using the hashtag #BELAPROTEST.

Belangrike INLIGTING

Lees Nasionale Nuusbrief 32/2024

Datum: 5 November 2024

Aankoms: 08:00

Program begin: 09:00

Stap van Voortrekkermonument na Freedom Park: 10:00 (voorlopig)

Kleredrag: SAOU T-hemp en SAOU-pet wat gedra kan word. Indien u te laat registreer ondersteun SAOU asseblief deur blou te dra.

Skoene: Gemaklike stapskoene

Parkering: Gratis en veilige parkering op Voortrekkermonument se terrein beskikbaar


Read National Newsletter 32/2024

Date: 5 November 2024
Voortrekker Monument

Arrival time: 08:00

Programme starts: 09:00

Walk from Voortrekker Monument to Freedom Park: 10:00 (provisionally)

Attire: SAOU T-shirt and cap. If you register later, please support SAOU by wearing blue.

Footwear: Comfortable walking shoes

Parking: Free and secure parking will be available at the Voortrekker Monument


Die SAOU is reeds sedert 2017 intens betrokke by die wysigings aan die BELA-wet en het groot suksesse behaal met die insette wat gelewer is. Die implementering van klousules 4 en 5 wat verwys na die toelating- en taalbeleid in skole is nog nie geïmplementeer nie en is met ‘n verder drie maande uitgestel vir konsultasie met die regering.

Die SAOU glo steeds in ‘n politieke oplossing as eerste prys, maar sal graag alle moontlike aksies wil ontgin om die regering van die dag te oortuig dat die voorgestelde wysigings rakende toelating- en taalbeleid nie beste is soos dit tans daaruit sien nie.

Die Nasionale Dagbestuur van die SAOU het dus op 18 Oktober 2024 eenparig besluit dat die Nasionale Uitvoerende Raad van die SAOU, lede by die BELA-optog wat vir 5 November 2024 beplan word, sal verteenwoordig.

Indien u as lid wil inskakel by die beoogde aksie van 5 November 2024, beveel ons u aan om ‘n dag onbetaalde verlof te neem en die aksie te ondersteun.

Indien u van voorneme is om deel te neem, registreer by die skakel hieronder. SAOU dra die 5de BLOU! Vir die eerste honderd SAOU-lede wat registreer, sal daar ‘n gratis t-hemp en pet wees, wat afgehaal kan word by die SAOU se stalletjie.

Kom ons vat hande en verseker dat die SAOU se stem so goed as moontlik hoorbaar gaan wees.

Kom ons wys dat die SAOU dié verandering in die onderwys is.


TThe SAOU has been actively involved in the amendments to the BELA Act since 2017 and has achieved significant progress through its contributions. The implementation of clauses 4 and 5, which pertain to school admissions and language policy, has been delayed for an additional three months to allow for further consultation with the government.

The SAOU remains committed to seeking a political solution as its first priority but is also exploring all possible actions to convince the government that the proposed changes to the admission and language policies are not ideal in their current form.

On 18 October 2024, the SAOU's National Standing Committee unanimously resolved that the National Executive Council will represent members at the BELA protest march scheduled for 5 November 2024.

If, as a member, you wish to participate in the planned action on 5 November, you will have to take a day's unpaid leave to support the cause. To join, please register using the link below. On 5 November, SAOU members will wear BLUE! The first 100 members to register will receive a free t-shirt and cap, which can be collected from the SAOU stall.

Let's unite and make sure the SAOU's voice is heard loud and clear. Together, we can demonstrate that the SAOU is driving change in education.


Mediaverklaring | Media Statement 28/11/2024

SAOU repliek op BELA wysiging | SAOU response to amendment of BELA

NN 19/2024:

BELA is goedgekeur, wat nou? | BELA has been approved, what now?

NN 17/2024:

Waar staan ons met BELA? | Where do we stand with BELA?

NN 03/2024:

BELA kommentaar: oproep tot aksie | BELA submissions: call to action

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