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Die SAOU Welstandprojek is uniek, dit is die eerste van sy soort wat deur 'n onderwysvakbond in Suid-Afrika geloods word. Ons verstaan dat die welstand van ons onderwysers die fondasie van ons onderwysstelsel is, daarom bied ons hierdie ondersteuning met trots aan. Benewens potgooie, video's en selfhelpmateriaal, bied ons 'n 24/7 noodlyn waar onderwysers dringend emosionele bystand kan ontvang. Hierdie inisiatief stel ons in staat om 'n broodnodige verskil te maak en 'n veilige hawe vir ons onderwysgemeenskap te skep.  Besoek hierdie blad gereeld vir weeklikse opdaterings van inligting wat vir jou waardevol gaan wees.




The SAOU Wellness Project is unique, it is the first of its kind to be launched by a teachers union in South Africa. We understand that the wellbeing of our teachers is the foundation of our education system, therefore we are proud to offer this support. In addition to podcasts, videos and self-help materials, we offer a 24/7 emergency crisis line where teachers can receive urgent emotional support. This initiative allows us to make a much-needed difference and create a safe haven for our teaching community. Visit this page regularly for weekly updates of information that will be valuable to you.




PLAN vir 2025…persoonlike welstand en professionele groei | PLAN for 2025…personal well-being and professional growth

Kyk na jou eie welstand wanneer jy drafstap

Looking after your own well-being when life is moving fast

Hoe om `n goeie roetine en gesonde grense in plek te stel | Maintaining a good routine and healthy boundaries

Wellbeing Symposium Day 1

Welstand Simposium Dag 1

Wellbeing Symposium Day 2

Welstand Simposium Dag 2

Wellbeing Symposium Day 3

Welstand Simposium Dag 3

Wellbeing Symposium Day 4

Welstand Simposium Dag 4

VKO & GSF: Onderwys Welstand

ECD & FP: Education Well-being

Gr R & Grondslagfase Simposium: Uitbranding en Selfsorg

VKO, Gr R & Grondslagfase: Emosionele Regulering in die klaskamer

Grondslagfase: Selfregulering Foundation Phase: Self regulation

Hoe hanteer ek leerders met Kognitiewe, Sosiale en Emosionele Struikelblokke in die klaskamer | How do I deal with learners with Cognitive, Social and Emotional Barriers in the classroom

An emotional intelligence approach to effective self-management in changing times

How do you create a culture of resilience, hope and self-belief?

Social Emotional and Political intelligence

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