NN 19/2024

  Bela is goedgekeur,
wat nou?

Dit is algemeen bekend dat-

  • BELA die wetsontwerp is wat komprehensiewe wysigings aan die SA Skolewet (SASW) voorstel;
  • Die Nasionale Raad van Provinsies (NRvP) en die Nasionale Vergadering (NV) BELA goedgekeur het; en
  • Dit nou voorgelê is aan die President vir oorweging en moontlike ondertekening waarna dit as formele statuut geag sal word.


Die vraag in onderwyskringe is, wat die SAOU se standpunt met betrekking tot die huidige stand van sake is. Die Dagbestuur van die SAOU, bestaande uit die nege provinsiale voorsitters, die President en die Uitvoerende Beampte, het dié aangeleentheid onder die loep geneem. ‘n Besluit is geneem om ‘n petisie (klik hier) aan die President te rig ten einde sy aandag op dié aspekte waarmee die SAOU nie tevrede is nie, te vestig.


Waaroor is die SAOU ontevrede?

Na raadpleging met senior regslui, sowel as die afgetrede regter verantwoordelik vir die aanvanklike opstel van die SASW, is bepaal dat daar twee subartikels is wat nie voldoen aan die beginsels soos gestel in die uitsprake van die Grondwethof insake die Ermelo-, Welkom- en Rivoniasake nie.


Aan welke beginsels moet die SASW voldoen?

Ooreenkomstig die voormelde hofsake is die onderliggende beginsels waaraan die SASW moet voldoen, die volgende:

  • Gelyke vennootskap tussen SBL’e en die onderwysowerhede;
  • Samewerkende beheer en bestuur van skole;
  • Onderlinge samewerking;
  • Openbare skole as onafhanklike regspersone; en
  • Openbare skole as demokratiese verlengstukke van die onderskeie gemeenskappe ten einde diverse en uiteenlopende benaderings te verteenwoordig.


Watter subartikels word as problematies geag?

  • Artikel 5(5)(b): Toelatingsbeleid:
  • BELA stel voor dat, “die onderwyshoof, na oorlegpleging met die SBL, beskik oor die finale gesag...” oor die toelating van leerders;
  • Ingevolge die beginsels soos hierbo uiteengesit en die regsadvies wat ontvang is, sal ‘n meer korrekte benadering wees, “die onderwyshoof in oorlegpleging met die SBL beskik oor die finale gesag...”; en
  • In die saak McDonald and others v Minister of Minerals and Energy and others, word dit duidelik gestel dat ‘n Minister in oorleg met belanghebbende partye besluite moet neem.
  • Artikel 6(7): Taalbeleid:
  • BELA stel voor dat, “die onderwyshoof mag ... opdrag aan ‘n openbare skool gee om meer as een taal van leer en onderrig te implementeer”; en
  • Die beginsel van opdraggewing is in stryd met die beginsels soos hierbo uiteengesit en daarom stel die SAOU voor dat hierdie besluit “in oorlegpleging met die SBL” moet geskied.

Is die probleem van die SAOU met betrekking tot voormelde subartikels ‘n nuwe verskynsel?

Nee, die SAOU het van meet af sy ontevredenheid teenoor die Minister van Basiese Onderwys uitgespreek en deurgaans kommer uitgespreek tydens elke openbare sessie van die Portefeuljekomitee van die parlement en die 36 sessies van die provinsiale wetgewers.


Is die SAOU bereid om te litigeer insake sy ontevredenheid met die gemelde twee subartikels?

Dit is belangrik om eers te wag totdat meer inligting beskikbaar is rakende die finale wysigings soos deur die President goedgekeur. Die moontlikheid bestaan dat die President nie die voorgestelde wysigings kan goedkeur nie. Indien dit wel goedgekeur word, sal die SAOU op aanbeveling van sy senior regsadviseurs ‘n besluit in die verband neem.


Het die SAOU ‘n finale gespreksgeleentheid met die President versoek?

Ja, daar is ondubbelsinnig aangedui dat die President hom van sy partypolitieke affiniteit moet skei en as staatshoof hom vergewis van die grondwetlikheid van die voorgestelde wysigings. Die SAOU is oortuig dat voormelde subartikels nie die toets van grondwetlikheid sal slaag nie en wil daarom met die President in gesprek tree in ‘n poging om ‘n onderwyskundige en verantwoordelike skikking te bereik.

  Tender vir ‘n saou-voertuig

Die SAOU is besig met die roetine aankoop van nuwe motors vir die SAOU motorvloot. ‘n Integrale deel van die beleid is dat huidige motors ingeruil of op tender verkoop kan word.


SAOU lede en SAOU- en TO Strand personeellede word die geleentheid gebied om te tender op die voertuig soos in die tenderdokument (klik hier) vervat.



SACAI wag aansoeke in vir nasieners vir die NSS-finale eksamen wat in 2024 afgelê word. Indien u ’n bevoegde nasiener is, is u welkom om aansoek te doen. Voltooi die aangehegte aansoekvorm (klik hier) en e-pos dit terug na mnr Johan-Tiaan Lamprecht by johan@sacai.org.za.


Heg u CV, bewys van SARO registrasie en kwalifikasies aan die aansoekvorm, al is dit voorheen gedoen. Sonder hierdie dokumentasie sal u aansoek nie oorweeg word nie.


Die sluitingsdatum is 14 Junie 2024. 

Bela has been approved, 

what now?

It is common cause that-

  • BELA is the bill that proposes comprehensive amendments to the SA Schools Act (SASA);
  • The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) and the National Assembly (NA) approved BELA; and
  • It was submitted to the President for consideration and possible signing whereafter it will be considered as statute. 


The question in education circles is what the SAOU's position is with regard to the current state of affairs. The Standing Committee of the SAOU, comprising the nine provincial chairpersons, the President and the Executive Officer considered the matter. It was resolved to submit a petition (click here) to the President in order to draw his attention to those aspects with which the SAOU is not satisfied.


What is the SAOU dissatisfied with?

After consultation with senior legal counsel, as well as the retired judge responsible for the initial drafting of the SASA, it was determined that there are two subsections that do not comply with the principles as set out in the judgments of the Constitutional Court in relation to the Ermelo, Welkom and Rivonia cases.


Which principles should the SASA adhere to?

In terms of the aforementioned court cases, the underlying principles that the SASA must comply with are the following:

  • Equal partnership between SGBs and the education authorities;
  • Cooperative governance;
  • Collaboration;
  • Public schools as independent juristic persons; and
  • Public schools as democratic extensions of the respective communities in order to represent their diverse and varied approaches. 


Which subsections are deemed to be problematic?

  • Section 5(5)(b): Admissions Policy:
  • BELA proposes that, "the HOD, after consultation with the SGB, has the final authority..." regarding the admission of learners; 
  • In terms of the principles set out above and the legal advice received, a more correct approach would be, "the HOD, in consultation with the SGB, has the final authority..."; and
  • In the case of McDonald and others v Minister of Minerals and Energy and others, it is clearly stated that a Minister must take decisions in consultation with interested parties.
  • Section 6(7): Language policy:
  • BELA proposes that, "the HOD may ... instruct a public school to implement more than one language of instruction"; and
  • The principle of authoritarianism is in conflict with the principles as stated above and therefore the SAOU proposes that this decision should be made "in consultation with the SGB".

Is the problem of the SAOU regarding the aforementioned subsections a new phenomenon?

No, from the beginning the SAOU expressed its dissatisfaction to the Minister of Basic Education, consistently raising concerns during every public session of the Portfolio Committee of Parliament and the 36 sessions held in provincial legislatures.  


Is the SAOU willing to litigate in regard to its dissatisfaction with the said two subsections?

It is important to first wait until more information is available regarding the final amendments as approved by the President. There is a possibility that the President may not approve the proposed amendments. If it is approved, the SAOU will take a decision in this regard on the recommendation of its senior legal advisors.


Has the SAOU requested a final discussion with the President?

Yes, it has been unambiguously indicated that President should divorce himself from his party political affinity and as head of state familiarise himself with the constitutionality of the proposed amendments. The SAOU is convinced that the aforementioned subsections will not pass the test of constitutionality, and therefore wishes to engage with the President in an attempt to reach an educational and responsible settlement.


The SAOU is in the process to purchase new vehicles for the SAOU motor fleet. An integral part of the policy is that current vehicles can be traded in or sold on tender.


SAOU members and SAOU and TO Strand staff members are offered the opportunity to tender on the vehicle as contained in the tender document (click here).



SACAI is awaiting the application of markers for the NSC final examination to be written in 2024. If you are a competent marker, you are welcome to apply. Kindly complete the attached application form (click here) and email it back to Mr Johan-Tiaan Lamprecht at johan@sacai.org.za.


Your application must be accompanied by your CV, proof of SACE registration and qualifications, even if previously submitted. No application will be considered without the aforementioned.


The closing date is 14 June 2024.

Die SAOU Hoofdesimposium 2024 beloof om, weereens, alle verwagtinge te oortref. 'n Duisend SAOU-adjunkhoofde en -skoolhoofde, uitstekende sprekers, uiters aktuele onderwerpe, SAOU-gasheerskap wat fenomenaal is en ‘n venue wat sinoniem is met kwaliteit: DIT is wat jy te wagte kan wees, niks minder nie.   


Venue: Boardwalk Konferensiesentrum, Gqeberha 

Wanneer: 1 – 4 September 2024 


Lede: R3 060 per skoolhoof / adjunkhoof 

Nie-lede: R4 530 per skoolhoof / adjunkhoof


Klik hier vir meer inligting rakende die geleentheid, met spesifieke verwysing na die volgende:

1.      ‘n Konsepprogram;

2.      Die registrasieblad; en

3.      Inligting met betrekking tot verblyf.


Die Simposium is feitlik volskryf! Om teleurstelling te voorkom, registreer vandag nog.



Piet Snyders (organiseerder) hoofdesim@saou.co.za

041 364 0500 (Kantoorure)

The SAOU Principals’ Symposium 2024 promises to once again exceed all expectations. A thousand SAOU deputy-principals and principals, excellent presenters, extremely relevant topics, phenomenal SAOU hosting and a venue synonymous with quality: THAT is what you can expect, nothing less.


Venue: Boardwalk Conference Centre, Gqeberha 

When: 1 – 4 September 2024 

Registration fee: 

Members: R3 060 per principal / deputy principal 

Non-members: R4 530 per principal / deputy principal


Click here for further information regarding the event, with specific reference to the following:

1.      A draft programme;

2.      The registration page; and

3.      Information relating to accommodation.


The Symposium is almost fully booked! To avoid disappointment, register today.



Piet Snyders (organizer) hoofdesim@saou.co.za

041 364 0500 (Office hours)

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