NN 03/2024



The SAOU calls on all members and members of the broader school community who support our views on the Basic Laws Amendment Act Bill (BELA-Bill) to submit their written submissions as soon as possible. The original deadline for submissions was 19 January 2024. This has been extended to 31 January 2024. We propose a two-pronged action plan for your consideration.



Included is a MS Word template that may be used to communicate our mutual point of view. Click here to download the letter.


Submissions need to be sent to the following person per email:

Ms Noluthando Skaka by belabill@parliament.gov.za


A few pointers to keep in mind:

  • The template is a framework to work from;
  • Your unique contributions and perspective will give more substance to the submission;
  • The focus must be that the proposed Bill will not enhance quality education in any way;
  • Written submission may be done in your language of preference; and
  • Your inputs do not have to focus only on these proposed clauses.



We call on members and school communities to flood the second round of public hearings in the different provinces. We propose the following plan of action:

  • Mobilise your community to travel together to the venues indicated.
  • Be prepared to put your point of view forward for a maximum of 3 minutes.
  • Get as many verbal presentations as possible in to the available time.
  • If a verbal presentation can not be made, hand in the written speech.
  • Talk about province-specific problems that hamper quality education.



Die SAOU beroep ons op alle lede en lede van die breër skoolgemeenskap, wat ons standpunte rakende die problematiek rondom die Wysigingswetsontwerp op Basiese Onderwys (BELA-Bill) ondersteun, om hul skriftelike voorleggings so spoedig moontlik in te dien. Die aanvanklike sperdatum vir indiening was 19 Januarie 2024, maar dit is uitgestel na 31 Januarie 2024 toe. Ons stel ‘n tweeledige aksieplan voor vir u oorweging:



Ingesluit is ‘n MS Word templaat wat u kan gebruik om ons wedersydse standpunt te versterk. Klik hier om die brief af te laai.


Stuur alle kommentaar per e-pos aan die volgende persoon:

Me Noluthando Skaka by belabill@parliament.gov.za


‘n Paar punte om te onthou:

  • Die templaat dien as riglyn;
  • U unieke bydraes en perspektiewe sal meer gewig verleen;
  • U fokus moet wees dat die voorgestelde wetsontwerp geen effek op die kwaliteit van onderwys het nie;
  • U kan kommentaar in die taal van u keuse indien; en
  • U hoef nie kommentaar net tot hierdie verskillende klousules te beperk nie;



Ons vra dat lede en skoolgemeenskappe sal opruk na die tweede rondte openbare verhore in die verskillende provinsies en hulle stem sal laat hoor. Ons stel die volgende aksieplan voor:

  • Mobiliseer groepe om saam te beweeg na die venues.
  • Maak seker u is voorbereid om vir ‘n maksimum van 3 minute te praat.
  • Kry soveel as moontlik spreekbeurte in.
  • Indien u nie ‘n spreekbeurt kry nie, handig u voorbereide toespraak in.
  • Praat oor provinsie spesifieke probleme wat kwaliteit onderwys kniehalter.
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