NN 05/2024


Skoolbestuurspanne begin toenemend tot die besef kom dat dit wat in die personeelkamer gebeur, net so belangrik is as dit wat in die klaskamer gebeur. In die besige tyd waarin ons leef word die noodsaaklikheid om te investeer in `n ruimte waar personeel kan asem skep, alhoemeer belangrik geag – veral wanneer dit kom by die welstand van personeel.


Skop 2024 op die gepaste wyse af deur die onderstaande aspekte in ag te neem:


Wat is die doel van `n personeelkamer?

Almal het af en toe nodig om batterye te herlaai, hetsy dit is deur met kollegas te gesels oor die rugby van die naweek of net in stilte `n koppie koffie of tee te geniet.


Navorsing het bewys dat `n personeelkamer nie net met personeelmoraal help nie, maar personeel ook motiveer en `n mate van ondersteuning bied.


Vir `n onderwyser maak elke minuut saak en mens wil graag jou tyd produktief benut. Dit is juis dán wanneer die personeelkamer `n essensiële plek raak waar `n mens jouself kan wees, asem kan skep en na kameraadskap gaan soek.


Die personeelkamer behoort `n plek te wees waar ieder en elk bymekaar kom – net om ontvlugting te kry van `n veeleisende werk.


Hoekom is dit belangrik om personeelkamer toe te gaan?

  • Dit dien as `n veilige hawe in `n besige en veeleisende omgewing.
  • Dit is goed vir `n mens se gees, siel en liggaam om jou klas te verlaat.
  • Dit skep die geleentheid om betekenisvolle gesprekke met kollegas en ander volwassenes te voer.
  • Dit skep `n geleentheid om verhoudings te bou met kollegas, mekaar beter leer ken en `n platform vir wedersydse vertroue te vestig.
  • Om personeelkamer toe te gaan, skep die geleentheid vir `n blaaskans tussen die oneindigende siklus van beplanning, voorbereiding, onderrig, merk en assessering.
  • Dit is `n veilige ruimte waar misverstande en wankommunikasie uitgeklaar kan word voordat die situasie eskaleer.
  • Dit skep die geleentheid vir die bestuurspan om personeel beter te leer ken, `n vinger op die pols van almal se gemoedere te hou en uitdagings aan te spreek voordat dit kop uitsteek.


Waaroor moet `n personeelkamer beskik om dit ‘n ‘gelukkige’ ruimte te maak?

Bepaal vooraf wat die doel van jou skool se personeelkamer is – is dit `n plek om asem te skep; is dit `n area toegewys om in te werk en te vergader; of is dit beide? Maak dan seker die personeelkamer beskik oor die volgende:

  • `n Koffiestasie
  • Gemaklike stoele
  • Voldoende eetgerei
  • `n Yskas
  • Tafels vir personeel om by te werk
  • Blinders of gordyne om die vertrek meer knus te maak
  • Kragpunte vir skootrekenaars en herlaaiers
  • Gepaste dekor of `n paar plante om groenigheid te voorsien
  • Wi-Fi of internettoegang, indien beskikbaar


Wat moet liefs vermy word in `n personeelkamer?

  • Vermy om deel te neem aan skinderstories.
  • Vermy negatiewe energie deur jou nie te steur aan negatiewe aanmerkings of personeel wat kla nie.
  • Vermy dit om deel te vorm van `n kliek.
  • Vermy dit om toegewysde sitplekke aan personeel te allokeer – `n personeelkamer moet `n omgewing wees waar almal gemaklik is.
  • Al is die personeelkamer `n plek waar mens kan ontspan - moenie té informeel optree nie – jy is steeds by die werksplek.
  • Vermy besprekings van leerders en ouers.
  • Vermy enige vorm van onnodige konflik en konkelry agter kollegas se rûe.
  • Moenie net oor werk praat nie maar wend die tydjie aan om jou kollegas beter te leer ken.
  • Vermy die seniors vs. juniors of grondslagfase vs. seniorfase scenario’s – almal is kollegas en mens moet as `n span saamwerk ongeag in watter departement jy werk.


`n Personeelkamer is `n ruimte met eindelose potensiaal – en `n baie goeie beginpunt om na personeel se welstand om te sien. Wees op die uitkyk vir kommunikasie vanaf die SAOU met betrekking tot ons SAOU-welstandsweek wat spesifiek sal fokus op die welstand van opvoeders.

Die volgende aanhaling van Diana Gooding som baie goed op wat die essensie van `n personeelkamer behoort te wees:  “It’s a happy staff room when no one hears the bell.” Maak die volgende ‘n doelwit vir 2024 – om so lekker te klets en kuier dat jy so af en toe nie die klok hoor wat die einde van die pouse aankondig nie...


School management teams are increasingly realising that what happens in the staff room is just as important as what happens in the classroom. Taking into consideration the busy times we live in, the need to invest in a space where staff can take a breather is becoming increasingly important – especially where the wellbeing of staff is concerned.


Start 2024 in an appropriate manner by considering the aspects below:


What is the purpose of a staff room?

Everyone occasionally needs to recharge their batteries, whether it is by chatting to colleagues about the rugby that took place over the weekend or quietly enjoying a cup of coffee or tea.


Research has shown that a staff room not only helps with staff morale, but that it also motivates staff and provides a measure of support.


For a teacher every minute matters and you would like to make productive use of your time. It is precisely then that the staff room becomes an essential place where you can be yourself, take a breather and look for companionship.


The staff room should be a place where one and all come together – just to escape from a demanding job.


Why is it important to go to the staff room?

  • It serves as a safe haven in a busy- and demanding environment.
  • It is good for mind, body and soul to leave your classroom physically.
  • It creates the opportunity to have meaningful conversations with colleagues and other adults.
  • It creates an opportunity to build relationships with colleagues, to get to know one another better and to establish a platform for mutual trust.
  • Going to the staff room creates an opportunity to relax in the endless cycle of planning, preparation, teaching, marking and assessment.
  • It is a safe space where misunderstandings and miscommunication can be clarified before the situation escalates.
  • It creates the opportunity for the management team to get to know staff members, to keep a finger on the pulse of everyone's wellbeing and to address challenges before they arise.


What features should a staff room have to make it a ‘happy place’?

Determine beforehand what the purpose of your school's staff room is – is it a place to take a breather; is it a designated area assigned for work and meetings; or is it both? Then ensure the staff room features the following:

  • A coffee station
  • Comfortable chairs
  • Adequate cutlery
  • A fridge
  • Tables for staff to work at
  • Blinds or curtains to make the room cozy
  • Power outlets for laptops and chargers
  • Appropriate décor or some plants to ensure greenery
  • Wi-fi or internet access, if available


What should preferably be avoided in a staff room?

  • Avoid becoming part of gossip in the staff room.
  • Avoid negative energy by not getting involved with negative talk or staff who are constantly complaining.
  • Avoid becoming part of a clique.
  • Avoid allocating seats to staff members – a staff room should be an environment where everyone is comfortable.
  • Even though the staff room is a place where you can relax, don't behave excessively informally – you are still at the workplace.
  • Avoid discussions of learners and parents.
  • Avoid any form of unnecessary conflict and conspiring behind colleagues’ backs.
  • Don't talk only about work but use the time to get to know your colleagues better.
  • Avoid the seniors vs. juniors or foundation phase vs. senior phase scenarios – everyone is a colleague and you should work together as a team regardless of what department you are in.


A staff room is a space with endless potential – and a very good starting point for investing in staff wellbeing. Look out for communication from the SAOU regarding our SAOU Wellness Week which will specifically focus on the wellbeing of educators.


The following quote from Diana Gooding sums up what the essence of a staff room should be:  "It's a happy staff room when no one hears the bell."  Make the following a goal for 2024 - to be so engrossed in hanging out and in chit-chat that, every once in a while, you will not immediately hear the bell announcing the end of the break time…

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