NN 30/2024

5 OKTOBER 2024

Boodskap van die President van die SAOU, dr Louis Swanepoel

“Waardeer die stem van die onderwyser: Beweeg in die rigting van ‘n nuwe sosiale kontrak vir onderwys”


Die wêreld beweeg in die vierde kwartaal van 2024 in te midde van ‘n onsekere klimaat oor van die fundamentele kwessies wat die basis van die samelewing is. 


In Suid-Afrika is daar onsekerhede oor onderwysbegrotings en postevoorsiening. Daar is onsekerheid oor vele beleidskwessies. Beskrywings soos “administratiewe oorlading” het meer algemeen geword. In baie skole ontstaan daar wrywing tussen skole en gemeenskappe - asook tussen die rolspelers in daardie skole - oor kwessies wat verpolitiseer raak. Die opkoms van onderwysadministrasies wat boelies is veroorsaak diepe kommer. Amptenare wat nie almal vir die taak opgewasse is nie behandel onderwysers asof hulle laegraad lakeie sou wees. Die groeiende rol van politieke spelers wie se portefeuljes niks met onderwys te make het nie is verbasend – hulle bars op die onderwystoneel in en maak situasies basies onbestuurbaar, wat veel beter deur die professionele persone hanteer sou kon word wie se werk dit is. As gevolg van dit alles is daar onderwysers wat gedemoraliseer is, sommiges wat na vroeë aftrede hunker, sommiges wat gedurig met siekverlof is, en ander wat net nie meer vir die eise kans sien nie.


Miskien is dit nie verbasend dat die eerste deel van die tema vir vanjaar se Wêreldonderwysersdag “Waardeer die stem van die onderwyser” is nie. In talle wêrelddele groei die besef dat die stemme van onderwysers vir te lank al geïgnoreer is, en in sekere lande selfs onderdruk. Onderwysers is die mees bevoegde gesag wat oor skole kan praat asook die leergebeure wat daarbinne plaasvind. Dit het tyd geword dat onderwysers hulle regmatige plek by die bepaling van onderwysbeleid inneem. Dit het ook tyd geword dat die warboel van stemme wat dink hulle weet wat is reg vir skole en die onderwys, tot orde geroep word.


Die tweede deel van die tema vir Wêreldonderwysersdag is “beweeg in die rigting van ‘n nuwe sosiale kontrak vir onderwys”. Die SAOU het elders hieroor ‘n mening uitgespreek deur daarop te wys dat hierdie ‘n betekenislose aspirasie is tensy onderwysers van die regte werksmiddele, die regte werksomstandighede, en die regte professionele outonomie voorsien word, asook dat hulle besoldiging ontvang ooreenkomstig die aard van die werk wat hulle doen. Die SAOU gaan voort om onverskrokke te verkondig dat daar ‘n bedeling nodig is wat alle onderwysers na regte erken.


Teen hierdie agtergrond bly u as SAOU lid aan u roeping getrou, en daagliks illustreer u op talle wyses u toegewydheid aan die skole en leerders waar u diens lewer. Die einde van 2024 nader en ek twyfel nie dat u tot beste voordeel die gawes en talente wat u het in diens van die leerders en gemeenskappe van ons land voortgeset sal aanwend nie.


Namens die SAOU bedank ek u almal vir die verskil wat u maak en voortgeset sal bly maak. Ek hoop dat die erkenning van u talente en vermoëns u opnuut sal inspireer om dit te doen wat u uitstekend doen – om ‘n verskil in die wêreld te maak.




5 OCTOBER 2024

Message by the President of the SAOU, Dr Louis Swanepoel

 “Valuing teacher voices: Towards a new social contract for education”


The world moves into the fourth quarter of 2024 in a climate of uncertainty about some of the bedrock issues which form the basis of society. 


In South Africa there are uncertainties about education budgets and the provisioning of posts. There are uncertainties about a whole number of education policy issues. Terms like administrative overload have become common. In too many schools, friction arises between schools and communities and between the role-players in those schools on issues which become politicised. The rise of bullying education administrations causes deep concern, as officials – not all of whom are qualified for the task they have to perform – treat professional educators as though they were low-grade lackeys. Astonishing indeed is the growing role of political players – whose portfolios have nothing to do with education and schooling – as they burst on to the educational scene and render unmanageable difficult situations better left to the professional persons appointed to deal with them. As a consequence, there are teachers who are demoralised, some who look for early retirement, some who are constantly having to take sick leave, and others who just don't see a chance for the challenges anymore. 


It is perhaps not surprising that the first part of the theme for World Teachers’ Day this year is “Valuing teacher voices”. In many parts of the world there is a growing recognition that the voices of teachers have for too long been ignored and, in some countries, even suppressed. Teachers are the most competent authority to speak to issues affecting schools and the learning that takes place within them. It is time that teachers world-wide once again occupied their rightful place in the determination and establishing of education policy. It is also time that the voices of a clamouring multitude who claim to know what is right for schools and schooling be called to order.


The second part of the theme for World Teachers’ Day is “towards a new social contract for education”. On the question of a social contract the SAOU has elsewhere expressed itself by making the point that this is a meaningless aspiration unless teachers are given the right tools for the job, the right working conditions, the right professional autonomy, and remuneration appropriate to the work they do. The SAOU continues fearlessly to proclaim its views on the necessity for a dispensation which affords all teachers the recognition which is their right.


Against this backdrop you as a member of the SAOU remain true to your calling and daily exhibit in countless ways your commitment to the schools and learners in which you serve. The end of 2024 is approaching and I have no doubt that you will continue to display to best advantage the gifts and talents you employ in the service of the learners and communities of the country.


On behalf of the SAOU I thank you all for the difference you make and will continue to make, and hope the recognition of your talents and abilities will inspire you afresh to do what you do best – to make a difference in the world.




Boodskap van die Uitvoerende Beampte van die SAOU, mnr Paul Sauer

Geagte SAOU-lede


Op 5 Oktober vier ons Wêreld-Onderwysersdag. Die SAOU wil hierdie geleentheid gebruik om 'n oomblik stil te staan en die onskatbare bydraes van onderwysers te erken. Vanjaar se tema is "Onderwysers se Stem Is Belangrik: Op Pad na 'n Nuwe Sosiale Kontrak vir Onderwys." In 'n tyd waar die uitdagings in die onderwys 'n kritieke punt bereik het, bly u daaglikse toewyding uitsonderlik, ondanks die emosionele, fisiese en geestelike tol wat dit van u eis.

Vir 'n nuwe sosiale kontrak met onderwysers om haalbaar te wees, is dit noodsaaklik om 'n billike verspreiding van sosiale en ekonomiese hulpbronne te verseker. 'n Kritieke vereiste vir onderwysers om kwaliteit-onderwys te lewer, is die beskikbaarheid van genoegsame gekwalifiseerde opvoeders. Om 'n nuwe sosiale kontrak met onderwysers tot stand te bring, moet 'n redelike interaksie tussen rolspelers in die gemeenskap en die billike toewysing van hulpbronne vir kwaliteit-onderwys prioriteit geniet, sodat onderwysers hul verantwoordelikhede effektief kan nakom.


Onderwys vorm die hoeksteen van ons samelewing. As opvoeders speel u 'n onmisbare rol in die vorming van die jonger geslag en in die versterking van ons gemeenskappe – dikwels met beperkte hulpbronne en onder toenemend komplekse omstandighede. Die welstand van onderwysers in Suid-Afrika is onder groot druk, en ons verstaan die oorweldigende las wat dikwels met hierdie beroep gepaardgaan. Die groeiende behoefte aan geestelike ondersteuning in die onderwyssektor is 'n werklikheid wat ons nie kan ignoreer nie.


Die druk van u werkslading, saam met emosionele eise en die uitdagings wat leerders in die gesig staar, plaas 'n enorme las op u gesondheid en welstand. Dit is noodsaaklik dat ons hierdie uitdagings aanspreek en 'n omgewing skep wat u toelaat om te floreer. Daarom is die SAOU besig om doelgerigte, gratis en volhoubare ondersteuning te beplan, insluitend 'n 24/7 noodlyn, wat in 2025 bekendgestel sal word om u te ondersteun in hierdie uitdagende tye.


Die uitdagings waarmee u te doen het, sluit hoë werklading, administratiewe druk, en die verwagtinge van ouers en die Onderwys departement in. Hierdie druk het 'n negatiewe impak op u welstand en geestesgesondheid. U het die reg om 'n werksomgewing te hê wat u ondersteun, en ons by die SAOU is hier om u te help om daardie omgewing te skep.


U stem is van onskatbare waarde in die gesprek oor die toekoms van onderwys. Die SAOU bevestig ons verbintenis om u stem te verteenwoordig. Ons loof u harde werk, uithouvermoë en die passie waarmee u elke dag onderrig, selfs wanneer erkenning skaars is.


Wees verseker dat u meer as net "onderwysers" is – u is die transformasie-krag in die lewens van u leerders en 'n onmisbare deel van ons samelewing.


Die SAOU salueer u.



Message by the executive officer of the SAOU, mr paul sauer

Dear SAOU members


On October 5, we celebrate World Teachers' Day. The SAOU would like to take this opportunity to pause and recognise the invaluable contributions of teachers. This year's theme is "The Voice of Teachers Matters: Towards a New Social Contract for Education." At a time when challenges in education have reached a critical point, your daily dedication remains exceptional, despite the emotional, physical, and mental toll it demands of you.


For a new social contract with teachers to be feasible, it is essential to ensure a fair distribution of social and economic resources. A critical requirement for teachers to deliver quality education is the availability of sufficiently qualified educators. To establish a new social contract with teachers, reasonable interaction between stakeholders in the community and the fair allocation of resources for quality education must take priority, so that teachers can effectively fulfil their responsibilities.


Education is the cornerstone of our society. As educators, you play an indispensable role in shaping the younger generation and strengthening our communities—often with limited resources and under increasingly complex circumstances. The well-being of teachers in South Africa is under immense pressure, and we understand the overwhelming burden that often accompanies this profession. The growing need for mental health support in the education sector is a reality we cannot ignore.


The pressure from your workload, combined with emotional demands and the challenges learners face, places a tremendous strain on your health and well-being. It is essential that we address these challenges and help to create an environment that allows you to thrive. Therefore, the SAOU is planning targeted, free and sustainable support, including a 24/7 helpline to be launched in 2025 to assist you during these challenging times.


The challenges you face include high workloads, administrative pressures, and expectations from parents and the Department of Education. These pressures have a negative impact on your well-being and mental health. You have the right to have a work environment that supports you, and we at the SAOU are here to help you create that environment.


Your voice is invaluable in the conversation about the future of education. The SAOU reaffirms our commitment to representing your voice. We commend your hard work, resilience, and the passion with which you teach every day, even when recognition is scarce.


Rest assured that you are more than just "teachers"—you are the transformative force in the lives of your learners and an indispensable part of our society.


The SAOU salutes you.




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